Dusty Job Acrylic Print

by Lucy VanSwearingen

Product Details
Dusty Job acrylic print by Lucy VanSwearingen. Bring your artwork to life with the stylish lines and added depth of an acrylic print. Your image gets printed directly onto the back of a 1/4" thick sheet of clear acrylic. The high gloss of the acrylic sheet complements the rich colors of any image to produce stunning results. Two different mounting options are available, see below.
Design Details
Grooming boxes for horses come in many forms. Most brushes and currying tools are kept clean and well organized. But, this old feed bowl serves a... more
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Artist's Description
Grooming "boxes" for horses come in many forms. Most brushes and currying tools are kept clean and well organized. But, this old feed bowl serves a special purpose, holding tools for cleaning the muddiest of horses on the coldest of days. Cold, rainy weather requires each horse to be fitted in a nice, warm turnout blanket.
Horses love to roll in dust and mud, which must be scraped and brushed off before putting their blankets on.
This is a quick and dirty job, usually done in the nastiest of weather. A clean set of brushes is reserved for sunnier days
About Lucy VanSwearingen

Photographs are an expression of my heartfelt love of nature, color and texture. Often, I find the "hidden" image in the natural world....a tiny flower, insect or dewdrop can lure me into another world. Other times, I find that the entire landscape is best way to view the world...as in a sunset or a field of flowers. I also, have a fascination with shapes and textures of rustic buildings and other inanimate objects. An example would be my view of the El Morro fort in San Juan, Puerto Rico (Abstract gallery). My unique perspective of an arch in the fort reveals a different viewpoint illuminating the colors and wonderful textures of centuries of wear. I have taken both classic and unique views of common creatures and sights, that you...
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